《细细的红线》Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: It's never necessary to tell me that you think I'm right. We'll just... assume it.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: 没有必要告诉我你认为我是正确的。我们将会...认定是这样。
Japanese Soldier: Are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?
Japanese Soldier: 你很正直吗?善良吗?是你的自信心建立在上面吗?你被所有人喜欢吗?知道我原来也是那样。你会幻想因为你热爱仁慈和真理,你就会免于遭受痛苦吗?
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay. There's just this one, just this rock.
First Sgt. Edward Welsh:除了世上每一件事情都很好,这个世界就再也没有别的了。只有一样东西,就像这块岩石。
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros: I've lived with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros:我已经和这些人住在一起两年半的时间,长官,而我不会命令他们去送死。
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: I might be your best friend, and you don't even know it.
First Sgt. Edward Welsh:我本可以是你最好的朋友,可是你从来都不知道。家人为我们做的牺牲,就像泼在地上的水一样浪费
我不想改变 只想以原来的面目回到你身边
我曾是个囚犯 是你让我自由
都是谎言 你看见的一切,听见的一切
我们被困在棺材里 移动的棺材 (我找的不全,要想知道要自己亲自去看。里面的旁白超精彩) 《拯救大兵瑞恩》REIBEN:You wanna explain the math of this to me? I mean where's the sense of risking the lives of the 8 of us to save one guy? 你想帮我算算这数学?为什么要我们8个人去冒险就一个人? MILLER:20 degrees.Anybody wanna answer that? 向20度进发,谁想回答这个问题? WADE:Reiben think about the poor bastard's mother. 想想那个士兵可怜的母亲。 Reiben:Hey,Doc,I got a matter,all right?I mean , you got a mother ,Sarge has got a mother.I mean,shit, I bet even the captain'a got a mother.Well,maybe not the captain,but the rest of us got mothers. 嘿!医生,我有妈妈,你也有妈妈,中士也有妈妈,我打赌甚至上尉也有妈妈,哦,也许上尉没有,但我们其余人都有。 UPHAM: theirs not to reason why,theirs but to do and die. 我们不能去问为什么么,我们只能选择去执行任务或战死。 MELLISH:What's the fuck is that supposed to mean,huh? e're all supposed to die,is that it? 那是什么意思?难道我们都该去死吗? MILLER:Upham's talking about our duty as soldiers. 那是军人的职责。 UPHAM: Yes,sir. MILLER:We all have orders,and we have to follow'em. That superseds everything,including your mothers. 我么都是军人,我们都要执行任务,它取代了任何事,包括你的妈妈。 UPHAM: Yes,sir . Thank you,sir. REIBEN:Even if you think the mission's FUBAR,sir? 只是这个任务是“混差”? MILLER:Especially if you think the mission's FUBAR. 他别是这个任务是“混差”。 UPHAM: What's FUBAR? MELLISH:It's German. CAPARZO:Yeah. UPHAM: Never heard of that. JACKSON:Sir.... I have an opinion on this matter. 我对这件事有些意见。 MILLER:Well,By all means, share it with the squad. 和战友们分享吧。 JACKSON:Well,from my way of thiking,sir,this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valueble military resources. 在我看来,这整个任务是在浪费军方的宝贵资源。 MILLER:Yeah,Go on. JACKSON:Well,it seem to me, sir,that God gave me a special gift,made me a fine instrument of warfare. 上帝给了我天赋使我成为完美的作战武器。 MILLER:Reiben,pay attention. Now,this is the way to gripe.Continue,jackson. 听好了,这才是抱怨的正确方法。 JACKSON:Well,what I mean by that,sir,is if you was to put me and this sniper rifle anywhere up to and including 1 mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight,sir--- Pack your pack,fellas.War's over. 我的意思是,如果你把我和这把枪放在离希特勒一里远的地方,四周没有障碍,那么收拾行装吧,战争结束了。 REIBEN:Amen. Oh, that's brilliant,bumpkin. Hey,so Captain,what about you?I mean,..you don't gripe at all? 你说得真精彩。上尉,你一点也不抱怨妈? MILLER:I don't gripe to you, Reiben. I'm a captain. There 's a chain of mand. Gripes go up,not down.Always up.You gripe to me,T gripe to my superior officer,so on ,so on
and so on.I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that as a ranger. 我不像你抱怨,我是上尉,根据指挥系统行事,向上级抱怨,而不是像下级,你像我抱怨,我向我的上级抱怨,这样一步一步,我不向你抱怨,我不在你面前抱怨,作为突击队员,你应该知道这一点。 REIBEN:I'm sorry,sir,but,uh...But if you weren’t a captain, or if I were a major, what would you say? 对不起,如果你不是上尉,如果我是你的上司。你会怎么说? MILLER:In that case, I would say this is an excellent mission, sir,with an extremely valuable objective, sir,worthy of my best efforts,sir. Moreover... I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and I’m more than willing to lay down my life, and the lives of my men, especially you, Reiben, to ease her suffering. 在那种情况下我会说,这真是一个非常好的任务,值得我尽全力达到目标,我为瑞恩的母亲感到难过,我愿意付出我的生命,我队员的生命,特别是你的生命,来抚平她的伤痛有妈妈知道gripe water 么
全天然的Baby's Bliss宝宝神仙水/Gripe Water 缓解胀气腹痛吐奶4oz。Bliss by Mom 宝宝水( GripeWater/肥仔水) 是美国第一个全天然草药成分的产品,用于预防及治疗小儿因消化不良引起的腹痛、肠胃气胀、胃酸过多、吐奶、打呃、惊厥夜啼、睡不安宁及出牙时引起的种种不适症状。主要成分为姜和茴香,Bliss by Mom 宝宝水(GripeWater/肥仔水)是全美儿科医生推荐的传统用药。宝宝水(GripeWater/肥仔水)在最初被引进美国是并没有得到认可,原因就是大部分宝宝水(GripeWater/肥仔水)的配方中都含有酒精。Bliss by Mom宝宝水( GripeWater/肥仔水)为纯天然,无酒精成分,深受家长的好评。
We have to rest from time to time.意思
How to prepare for interviews
1.Before the Interview
These basics all contribute to a professional demeanor that is fundamental in the interview process.
Be on Time - You should arrive at least 5-10 minutes prior to the interview. Nothing leaves a worse first impression than keeping the interviewer waiting, regardless of the reason. If you are late due to an emergency, phone ahead.
Know Where You Are Going - If you have not been to the place where your interview will be, it is a good idea to visit before the day of your interview so that you can plan what route you will take and where you will park. Once you know where you are going then you can make sure to give yourself sufficient time to get there.
Get Food and Rest - Equip your body with enough food and rest before the interview. This will help you to feel your best, which in turn will help you to look and perform your best.
Dress Properly - Dress for success - you will be judged by your appearance. As a general rule you should dress one stage up from what the position itself would require or suggest. For most office-type positions, both males and females should wear formal business attire. Also make sure that your clothing is clean and that you are well groomed with natural looking make-up and hair.
Bring the Necessities - If possible, prepare a portfolio of your best work to show the employer. This is more relevant for certain occupations, but can be appropriate in many different circumstances. Before the interview you should prepare a list of references to bring with you. You may also want to bring letters of remendation. Finally, extra copies of transcripts, resumes, or other relevant documents will be handly. You will look professional if you can save your employer the trouble of photocopying.
2.On the Interview day
Non-verbal Messages: Non-verbal language speaks larger than words. As you walk in the interview room, here are a few things that you must keep in mind:
Start it off like a winner.
The handshake: Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive and confident attitude. Introduce yourself.
Posture: Stand and sit erect
Don't Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body.
Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye
Move your hands: Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural, but keep it in moderation.
Be fortable. Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure that you are in a fortable position
Listen attentively. Look at the interviewer directly, but don't get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax. It's okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stress
Avoid nervous mannerisms. Pay attention to nervous mannerisms. Everyone is nervous to some extent, the key is to appear calm and posed
Speak clearly. Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to go on rambling
Be positive and enthusiastic.Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine, gripe or plain about past employers, jobs, classes etc
Ask pertinent questions. Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer's time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don't ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the pany is definitely interested in you
While giving answers to questions:
Be Concise: Listen to the questions carefully and answer to the point. An interviewee rambling on is likely to turn off the interviewer.
Provide Examples: Support your contentions with examples. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you've done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities.
Be Honest: It is always better to state the truth than beating about the bush. If you don’t know something then state the fact.
Keep Your Guard Up: Always maintain your professionalism. Don’t get swayed by the friendly behaviour of the interviewer and disclose everything. For all you know it might be a trap laid out by him.
3.After the Interviews
Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly!
Follow up. If you haven't heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you're still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.
If you aren't hired and you are still interested in the pany, it pays to keep in touch with the interviewer. Often, through persistence, you may be offered a position at a later date.
Chin Up. If you don't get the job, don't be disheartened. Gear up for your next interview. After all the more interviews you tackle the more polished you bee. You may want to contact the interviewer who rejected you and see if you can get any pointers on what to improve before your next interview.
一、心烦的英语是upset,音标英 [?p?set]、美 [?p?s?t]。
There is no reason to get so upset.
v. (动词)
v. (动词)
upset, agitate, disturb, perturb
disturb有时并不意味着使受扰的人动了感情; perturb的意思是“把…扰得紊乱不安”,使受扰乱者焦急烦恼;?
agitate强调使受扰乱者感情激动甚至不能克制自己; upset的意思是使人心绪烦乱,感觉不舒服,或打乱预定的安排。
1、upset the bird's 把鸟巢吹翻
2、upset the car 翻车
3、upset the chair 把椅子打翻
4、upset the chess board 搅乱棋盘
5、upset the cup 把杯子打翻
以thanks giving day 为题写篇英语作文
Thanksgiving is a time for celebration and giving thanks for all that our friends, family and all the people in the world. Yet, many people, don't give thanks for all the blessings they have in their lives on a daily basis. Instead, they gripe about money, cars, and boyfriends/girlfriends. I am certainly been guilty of that before. But if you look carefully enough, on a daily basis, you WILL find that you have blessed.